Online Bipolar Treatment
What is Bipolar?
Mood disorders can occur on a spectrum. Some people experience cycling of moods from extreme highs to lows. When you have certain patterns of cyclicity your provider will evaluate you for possible bipolarity. Some psychiatric conditions mimic each other and diagnosis requires a specialist. Highland Oaks Psychiatry is staffed by board certified specialists who will evaluate you and work to establish a clear diagnosis.
Bipolar I disorder
Bipolar I disorder consists of episodes of mania and major depression. Manic episodes last at least one week, affect your ability to function, and often cause such severe symptoms that you need hospitalization. Most people have a neutral or stable period between their mood swings.
Bipolar II disorder
Bipolar II disorder causes periods of hypomania and major depression. Hypomania has the same symptoms as mania, but they're less severe. People usually keep up with their daily responsibilities during a period of hypomania. People usually feel great during a hypomanic phase.
Cyclothymic disorder
Cyclothymic disorder causes mood swings that occur more frequently than the other two types. In many cases, you don't have stable periods between the swings. However, your symptoms are less severe than hypomania and major depression.
What symptoms occur during a manic episode:
• Feel very energetic or irritable
• Have excessive physical energy
• Need less sleep
• Talk rapidly
• Experience racing thoughts
• Have an exaggerated feeling of importance
• Engage in risky behaviors
During a depressive episode, you may:
• Feel sad, hopeless, and worthless
• Have low energy and lethargy
• Find it hard to concentrate
• Withdraw from family and friends
• Lose interest in your favorite activities
• Sleep more or less
• Eat more or less
• Think about suicide
How is bipolar disorder treated?
Mood-stabilizing medications are essential for this lifelong disorder. These medications prevent swings between mania and depression.
Therapy is also an important part of your treatment because it helps you manage other aspects of bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder disrupts many areas of your life. Talk therapy helps you deal with these challenges, whether you need to learn skills to control your emotions, rebuild damaged relationships, or reduce stress.
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